Firebase Analytics
Firebase Analytics
App usage data is collected through Firebase Analytics.
These events describe the app usage. This includes default and custom events.
NOTE: Please make sure to Add parameters to events that you want insights on in the Firebase console. Also remember there is a limit on the number of text and number parameters.
Name | Type | Description | Parameters |
app_clear_data | default | When the user resets/clears the app data | |
app_remove | default | When an application is removed or uninstalled from the device. | |
app_update | default | When the app is updated to a new version and launched again. | |
click | custom | When the user clicks on a button in the app. |
config_update | custom | When the app config is updated. This can be a protocol change, app version change, or a force update. |
first_open | default | The first time a user launches the app after installing or re-installing. | |
notification_dismiss | default | When a user dismisses a notification sent by FCM. | |
notification_foreground | default | When a notification sent by FCM is received while the app is in the foreground. | |
notification_open | default | When the user opens a notification sent by FCM. | |
notification_receive | default | When a notification sent by FCM is received while the app is in the background. | |
notification_rescheduled | custom | When a new set of notifications are scheduled. | |
os_update | default | When the device operating system is updated. | |
qr_code_scanned | custom | When the app scans a QR code during enrolment. |
questionnaire_finished | custom | When a user finishes a questionnaire. |
questionnaire_started | custom | When a user starts a questionnaire. |
resumed | custom | When the app is placed on foreground from the background. | |
screen_view | default | When a screen (or 'page') transition occurs. | |
send_error | custom | When data fails to send to Kafka. |
send_success | custom | When data successfully sends to Kafka. |
session_start | default | When the user engages the app after a period of inactivity (exceeding the session timeout). |
(Default event descriptions from https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/6317485)
User Properties
These are the attributes used to define the users of the app. This includes default and custom user properties.
NOTE: Please make sure to Register User Property in the Firebase console first (for custom properties).
Name | Type | Description |
Age | default | The age of the user by category (18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, and 65+). |
App version | default | The versionName or bundle Version. |
Country | default | The country where the user resides. |
Device model | default | The device model name (moto g(6), SM-G950F, etc) |
enrolmentDate | custom | The enrolment date of the user. |
First open time | default | The time in milliseconds when the user first opened the app. |
Gender | default | The gender of the user (Male or Female). |
humanReadableId | custom | The human readable identifier of the user. |
Interests | default | The interests of the user by category (Arts & Entertainment, etC). |
Language | default | The language setting of the device. |
New/established | default | A new user first opened the app within the last 7 days. An established user first opened the app more than 7 days ago. |
OS version | default | The version of the device operating system. |
projectId | custom | The identifier for the project in which the user is enrolled in. |
sourceId | custom | The identifier for the source (device) the user is using. |
subjectId | custom | The identifier for the subject/participant (user). |
(Default property descriptions from https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/6317486)