REDCap-integration configuration

This service requires a configuration file named radar.yml that can be stored at:

  • /usr/share/tomcat8/conf/
  • /usr/local/tomcat/conf/radar/
  • at the path provided by the environment variable CONFIG_FOLDER

The configuration should follow this template. For each supported project, the projects variable should contains a item like

  url: #URL pointing REDCap instance, note the end "/" is required in the URL
  project_id: #REDCap project identifier number (see the redcap project URL pid arg)
  enrolment_event: #Unique identifier for the enrolment event e.g. enrolment_arm_1
  integration_form: #Name of integration REDCap form e.g. radar_integration
  token: #REDCap API Token used to identify the REDCap user against the REDCap instance
  project_name: #Management Portal project identifier, note the study number e.g. s1 must be lowercase "s"

The service validates the configuration file during the deploy phase. If the file is invalid, the deploy is stopped.

Detailed Configuration

  url: something like -
project_id: the project identifier for redcap enrolment_event: Enrolment event name. In our case - enrolment_arm_1
integration_form: Integration form name to use for integrating the redcap and management portal - in our case this is- radar_integration
mp_info: project_name: The project name created in Management portal corresponding to the one in Redcap

If using one of templates from RADAR project, the enrolment_event and the integration_form should already be created.
Here is an example of the integration_form on redcap -
Also including an example of the enrolment_event -
On the project setup page go to “Define your events and designate instruments for them -> Define my instruments” as shown below-
Add a new event and the The enrolment_arm_1 looks as follows. This is to ensure that redcap integration only happens during the enrolment and not in other assessments -