User Guide - Management Portal 2.0


ManagementPortal 2.0 is not fundamentally different from the original version — the old concepts are still relevant — but it brings improvements to the UI, and introduces a new level of hierarchy in the study setup: organizations. Projects, previously independent, now can be grouped per organization to make collaboration convenient no matter how many parties use the same RADAR-base instance.

You can check out the guide for the previous MP version.







A user with a System Admin role (ROLE_SYS_ADMIN) can create organizations, projects, and users. 

Can access and manage all organizations, projects, and resources attached to the organization and project.

Can create/edit/delete subjects (participants) in any project. 

Can access and manage OAuth Clients. 

Can access and manage Source Data. 

Can access and manage Source Types. 

Can access Audits, Logs, System Health, and Metrics.


Organization specific

A user with an Organization Admin role (ROLE_ORGANIZATION_ADMIN) can access organizations that are related to their role.

Can create projects in the organization.

Can create/edit/delete subjects (participants) in any project inside the organization. 

Can edit properties of the organization.  

Can assign or remove data sources to participants in any project inside the organization. e.g., apps, and devices.


Project specific

A user with a Project Admin role (ROLE_PROJECT_ADMIN) can access a project that is related to their role.

Can create/edit/delete subjects (participants) in the project. 

Can edit properties of the project. 

Can assign or remove data sources to subjects (participants) in the project. e.g. apps, and devices.


Project specific

Can send data from assigned (data) sources. 

All active subjects (participants) created in ManagementPortal have a Participant role (ROLE_PARTICIPANT).  

Users with PARTICIPANT roles cannot log in to ManagementPortal.


Project specific

This role will be assigned to deactivated subjects (participants) in a project. Their ability to send data will be deactivated once their last access token expires.


The ManagementPortal user interface supports only ROLE_SYS_ADMIN, ROLE_ORGANZIATION_ADMIN, and ROLE_PROJECT_ADMIN. 

The ROLE_PARTICIPANT and ROLE_INACTIVE_PARTICIPANT are supported by ManagementPortal, but these user types do not interact directly with the portal application.

User Guide for Project Admin

Sign in with a Project Admin (ROLE_PROJECT_ADMIN) account.

Quick Start

Your System Admin or Organization Admin created a project and assigned you as a Project Admin to this project.

  1. Select your Organization

  2. Select your Project

    1. Check the Source Types in your Project, to be sure all the required Source Types are added.

  3. Create a Subject

  4. If the Subject will use pRMT or aRMT apps

    1. Click Pair App for the Subject.

    2. Select the App and Generate a QR Code.

    3. Send the QR Code to the Subject and ask her/him to log in to the app with the QR Code.

  5. If the Subject will use other sources (e.g. Empatica)

    1. Create a new Source with a unique name and desired source type.

    2. Click Pair Source for the Subject

    3. Add the created Source to the list of assigned sources.

Managing Organizations

View the list of Organizations

You can either visit the home page and click View on one of the tiles or, from any page, pick an organization under the Organizations menu. 

View Organization’s details

To view the organization's details including its projects, click the organization name. 

Managing Projects (Studies)

View the list of Projects

Click on the Projects Tab inside an Organization.

View a Project’s details

To view the project’s details including its subjects, users, sources, and groups, click the project name. 

Managing Users

View, Add, and remove users to a project

Check out assigned users and their roles under the Permissions tab. You can add multiple users as project admins.

N.B. ROLE_PROJECT_ADMIN applies only to the currently selected project. If you want a user to have admin permissions on several projects, you have to set the permission on each one.

Managing Groups

View the list of Groups

Click on the Groups Tab inside a Project

Create a new Group

Under the Groups tab click Create a new Group 

Enter the Organization details and click on the Save button. 






Group Name




Delete a Group

Click on the Delete button and confirm the delete process.

If a group has one or more assigned subjects, you will see a warning message. Otherwise, it will delete the group without warning.

Managing Sources (Data Sources)

View the list of Sources

Click on the Sources Tab inside a Project

Create a new Source

Under the Groups tab click Create a new Group 

Enter the Organization details and click on the Save button. 





Source Name

Unique source name



Physical ID




Source Type










Edit a Source

In order to edit a source, click on the Edit button and modify the details and click the Save button.

Delete a source

Click on the Delete button and confirm the delete process.

Managing Subjects (Participants)

View the list of Subjects

Click on the Subjects Tab inside a Project

If the study has many participants and you don’t immediately see the subjects you are looking for, click Load more at the bottom of the list.

Sort and Filter

The project details page displays a list of subjects with sorting and filtering options.

You can filter subjects by Subject Id, External Id, Human readable Id, Group, Enrollment Date, Subject’s Name, and Subject’s date of birth.

You can expand the Advanced Filter panel to see more available fields for filtering

You can sort the list of subjects by changing the Sort by and Order fields.

Create a new Subject

Click Create a new Subject.

Enter the Subject details (all fields are optional and you can press Save if you don’t want to add any details) and click on the Save button. 





External Link

Participant’s link in your system



External ID

Arbitrary identification or participant’s ID in your system




Participant’s group




Participant’s name




Participant’s date of birth


Date String


Additional meta-data of the participant. This information is stored as a key-value pair. The ManagementPortal supports some predefined attributes that are available in the drop-down. Values should be entered manually by the user who is creating or managing the subject.





Edit a Subject

In order to edit a subject, click on the Edit button and modify the details and click the Save button.

Delete or Discontinue a subject

To remove or deactivate a subject, as well as to view its details, click on the Subject Id. At the bottom of the subject details page, you’ll find action buttons

Delete button removes the subject completely, while Discontinue button only changes the status of the subject from Activated to Inactivated.

Assign multiple Subjects to a Group

If you want to add multiple subjects to a group, select the subjects (Check the checkbox next to the subject) or filter the list according to your criteria, load all the subjects you need, and click on the Select all button. Then click Add to group. 

Choose a group and click Save.


Onboarding participants to use RADAR-base apps

Pair app

To enable a participant to use RADAR-base supported apps such pRMT app, aRMT app, or others, follow the steps below.

  1. (On the phone/tablet) Install the app on your phone and open the app. You will see a Scan QR code button on your app.

  2. (In ManagementPortal) Click on Pair App on the subject you created.

  3. (In ManagementPortal) You will see a pop-up. From the Client app drop-down, choose the app you want to enable (e.g. aRMT). Click the Generate QR Code button.

  4. (In ManagementPortal) Then you will see a QR code generated for the subject (participant).

  5. (On the phone/tablet) Scan the QR code and allow permissions when requested.

For more information check out the step-by-step pRMP and aRMP guides on the RADAR-base website.

Pair source

To pair a source to a subject click on the Pair Sources button.

In the dialog, choose a Source from the list of Available Sources and click the Add button.

You can remove any assigned sources by clicking on the Remove button of each assigned Source.

Click the Save button.

User Guide for Organization Admin

With ROLE_ORGANIZATION_ADMIN you can do all the actions that ROLE_PROJECT_ADMIN has permission to do. Please refer to the User Guide for Project Admin for more information. 

Sign in with an Organization Admin (ROLE_ORGANIZATION_ADMIN) account.

Quick Start

Your System Admin created an Organization and assigned you as an Organization Admin to this Organization.

  1. Select your Organization

  2. If your Project is already created by the System Admin

    1. Select your Project

    2. Check the Source Types in your Project, to be sure all the required Source Types are added.

  3. If your Project is not created by the System Admin

    1. Create a new Project

      1. Add the desired Source Types from the list of Source Types (e.g. RADAR_aRMT_1.5.0, RADAR_pRMT_1.1.0, ANDROID_PHONE_1.0.0)

    2. Select the Project

  4. Create a Subject

  5. If the Subject will use pRMT or aRMT apps

    1. Click Pair App for the Subject.

    2. Select the App and Generate a QR Code.

    3. Send the QR Code to the Subject and ask her/him to log in to the app with the QR Code.

  6. If the Subject will use other sources (e.g. Empatica)

    1. Create a new Source with a unique name and desired source type.

    2. Click Pair Source for the Subject

    3. Add the created Source to the list of assigned sources.

Managing Organizations

Edit an Organization

In order to edit an organization, click on the Edit button and modify the details and click the Save button.

View Organization’s details

To view the organization's details including its projects and users, click the organization name. 

Managing users

View, Add, and remove users to an organization

Check out assigned users and their roles under the Permissions tab. You can add multiple users as organization admins.

N.B. ROLE_ORGANIZATION_ADMIN applies only to the currently selected organization; if you want a user to have admin permissions on several organizations, you have to set the permission on each one.

Managing Projects (Studies)

With organizations introduced for project grouping, the UI no longer exposes projects as top-level entities. Instead, you have to select an organization first, and then select a project from the list on the organization details page.

View the list of Projects

First, select an organization, and then select a project from the list on the organization details page.

Create a project

On the organization details page you can create a new project, which will be assigned to the current organization.

Click Create a new Project button.

Enter the Organization details (e.g. name of the study, selection of data source types used in the study) and click on the Save button. 





Project Id

Unique identifier of a project, study, or trial. This field is case-sensitive and is used across the platform to identify ManagementPortal users, participants, and data submitted collected in the platform.  



Human readable project name

An optional project name that can be easily understandable to the users. 




Brief description of the study.  




The location where the study is conducted.



Start date

Start date of the study. This information is collected only as meta-data. It is not used for any other validation in the system.


Date String

End date

End date of the study. This information is collected only as meta-data. It is not used for any other validation in the system.


Date String

Project Status

Indicates whether the project is in the planning/ongoing/finalized phase of the study;



Source Type

A list of Source Types that can be used in the project. e.g., ANDROID_PHONE_1.0.0


Select (Multiple)


A list of optional groups within a project to separate study participants from the subjects of a control group.




Additional meta-data of the study. This information is stored as a key-value pair. The ManagementPortal supports some predefined attributes that are available in the drop-down. Values should be entered manually by the user who is creating or managing the project. e.g., External-project-id: Enter project-id from Redcap.


Select/ String

Attributes: Privacy-policy-url 

Overrides the default privacy-policy used on the Apps with a custom one for this project.



Attributes: Work-package

Identifier to group a number of projects as belonging to the same team;




Attributes: Phase

If multiple ManagementPortal projects are created for the same study in different phases, specify the phase here




URL of the external project ID.




External project ID.




Edit a project

In order to edit a project, click on the Edit button and modify the details and click the Save button.

Delete a project

At the moment, there is no organization archival/removal functionality.

User Guide for System Admin

With ROLE_SYS_ADMIN you can do all the actions that ROLE_ORGANIZATION_ADMIN and ROLE_PROJECT_ADMIN have permission to do. (Read the User Guide for Project Admin and User Guide for Organization Admin first)

Sing in with an administrative account (ROLE_SYS_ADMIN)

Quick Start

Your System Admin created an Organization and assigned you as an Organization Admin to this Organization.

  1. If your Organization is already been created by you or another System Admin

    1. Select your Organization

  2. If your Organization is not created yet

    1. Create a new Organization

  3. If your Project is already created by you or other users

    1. Select your Project

    2. Check the Source Types in your Project, to be sure all the required Source Types are added.

  4. If your Project is not created yet

    1. Create a new Project

      1. Add the desired Source Types from the list of Source Types (e.g. RADAR_aRMT_1.5.0, RADAR_pRMT_1.1.0, ANDROID_PHONE_1.0.0)

    2. Select the Project

  5. Create a Subject

  6. If the Subject will use pRMT or aRMT apps

    1. Click Pair App for the Subject.

    2. Select the App and Generate a QR Code.

    3. Send the QR Code to the Subject and ask her/him to log in to the app with this QR Code.

  7. If the Subject will use other sources (e.g. Empatica)

    1. Create a new Source with a unique name and desired source type.

    2. Click Pair Source for the Subject

    3. Add the created Source to the list of assigned sources.

Managing Users

View the list of Users

Open the User management page via the Administration -> User management menu item.

Create a user 

A user with the System Admin role (ROLE_SYS_ADMIN) can create new users with a System Admin role (ROLE_SYS_ADMIN), an Organization Admin role (ROLE_ORGANIZATION_ADMIN), and a Project Admin role (ROLE_PROJECT_ADMIN).

Users with the System Admin role have access to all resources in ManagementPortal and access information from all studies. 

Users with Organization specific roles, in contrast, have access to only the organization - their role is mapped to - and the resources related to the organization. They can view or edit the organization and its projects and subjects (participants). They are also able to view and modify the organization, its projects, and subjects (participants) in other RADAR-base applications. 

And users with Project specific roles, have access to only the project - their roles are mapped to - and related resources. They can view or edit that project and its subjects (participants). They are also able to view and modify that project and its subjects (participants) in other RADAR-base applications.

A user can have multiple roles in one or more organizations and/or projects. 

For a consistent experience, only the Project Admin role (ROLE_PROJECT_ADMIN) role should be used to assign users to a project.

(Please note only ROLE_SYS_ADMIN, ROLE_ORGANIZATION_ADMIN, and ROLE_PROJECT_ADMIN are fully supported by the ManagementPortal web interface at the moment.)

Click Create a new user. 

Fill in the form in the dialog and enter the user details and click on the Save button. 






The username of the user.



First name 

First name of the user.



Last name

Last name of the user.




Email address of the user where the activation link will be sent. 




Language of the ManagementPortal





Select the ROLE_SYS_ADMIN from the drop-down list of authorities to assign the System Admin role.

Select a combination of authority (ROLE_ORGANIZATION_ADMIN or ROLE_PROJECT_ADMIN) from the authority drop-down and an organization or a project from the Organization/Project drop-down.

Press on the Add button to add it to the Role list. 

When not pressing Add, the role assignment will not be saved. 




Edit a user

In order to edit a user, click on the Edit button and modify the details and click the Save button.  

Delete a user 

Click on the Delete button and confirm the delete process.

You cannot delete your account by yourself.

Resend activation link

Once a user is created, the user will receive a reset link via email to reset the password and to activate their account (to the email address specified in the Management portal). It has an expiry time. If the user was unable to reset the password before the expiration, it is possible to resend a reset link to the user. It can be done by clicking on the Send activation link button.

Managing Organizations

View the list of Organizations

open the organization management page via the Administration -> Organizations menu item.

You'll see a list of all available organizations. By default, one organization exists — main — with every previously created (i.e. before upgrading to MP 2.0) project linked to it.

Create a new Organization

You can create your organization by clicking Create a new Organization button.

Enter the Organization details and click on the Save button. 




Organization ID

Unique case-sensitive identifier. A short/abbreviated organization name is a good choice.



Brief description of the organization



Location or address of the organization




Edit an Organization

In order to edit an organization, click on the Edit button and modify the details and click the Save button.

You cannot modify the Organization ID.

Delete an Organization

At the moment, there is no organization archival/removal functionality.

View an Organization’s details

To view the organization's details including its projects, click the organization name. 

Managing Source Data

View the list of Source Data

Open the Source Data page via the Entities -> Source Data menu item.

Create a Source Data 

Click Create a new Source Data. 

Fill in the form in the dialog and enter the source data details and click on the Save button. 





Source Data Type




Source Type




Source Data Name




Processing State








Key Schema




Value Schema












Edit a Source Data

In order to edit source data, click on the Edit button and modify the details and click the Save button. 

Delete a Source Data 

Click on the Delete button and confirm the delete process.

Managing Source Types

View the list of Source Types

Open the Source Type page via the Entities -> Source Type menu item.

Create a Source Type 

Click Create a new Source Type. 

Fill in the form in the dialog and enter the source type details and click on the Save button. 






Source type’s producer




Source type’s model



Catalog Version

Source type’s version



Source Type Scope

Active or Passive



Dynamic source registration

If checked, this will allow the OAuth client to dynamically register data sources.




Name of the source type.




Brief description of the source type



Assessment Type




App provider





Edit a Source Type

In order to edit a source type, click on the Edit button and modify the details and click the Save button.  

Delete a Source Type

Click on the Delete button and confirm the delete process.

Managing OAuth Clients

View the list of OAuth Clients

Open the OAuth Clients page via the Administration -> OAuth Clients menu item.

Create an OAuth Client 

Click Register new OAuth Client. 

Fill in the form in the dialog and enter the OAuth Client details and click on the Save button. 





Client ID

Unique case-sensitive identifier.



Client Secret

The secret that is used by the public client (if the Empty secret is not checked) 



Empty secret for Public Client

Enable it to set an empty client secret, therefore the public clients do not need a secret.




Comma separated list of scopes. Scopes should have the following structure: ENTITY.OPERATION. See the radar-auth library documentation for more information.




Comma separated list of allowed resource IDs.




Grant Types








Redirect URIs

Comma separated list of resolvable redirect URIs.



Auto Approve

Comma separated list of scopes that do not require explicit user approval in the authorization code grant.



Access Token Validity

Access token validity in seconds.



Refresh Token Validity

Refresh token validity in seconds.



Additional Information


Dynamic registration allowed

If enabled this will allow the OAuth client to dynamically register data sources.




Edit an OAuth Client

In order to edit an OAuth Client, click on the Edit button and modify the details and click the Save button.  

Delete an OAuth Client 

Click on the Delete button and confirm the delete process.

View Metrics

Open the OAuth Clients page via the Administration -> OAuth Clients menu item.

View Health

Open the OAuth Clients page via the Administration -> OAuth Clients menu item.

View Audits

Open the OAuth Clients page via the Administration -> OAuth Clients menu item.

View Revisions

Open the OAuth Clients page via the Administration -> OAuth Clients menu item.

View Logs

Open the OAuth Clients page via the Administration -> OAuth Clients menu item.