Table of Contents |
Data Extraction Scripts
Extraction Formats: CSV
CSV ColumnName | Description |
key.projectId | A Management Portal attribute. The "Human-readable-identifier" if using REDCap is populated into the is field, if using REDCap for study management e.g. RADAR-MSDis-OSR-s1 |
key.userId | The Study ID field, the principle patient identifier used to link all the data e.g. c4d44114-f813-45a3-872b-f52dcd9fb1ca |
key.sourceId | Identifier for the specific datasource e.g. d391c43e-7136-4f5e-8ac7-12hf3485eb4b |
value.time | per record, source timestamp note this will be the same as value.timeReceived for phone sensors e.g. 1536703200, |
value.timeReceived | per record, phone timestamp |
Data Source Specific definitions and values see individual schemas for each data source in the git repository individual specification (e.g. sampling rate, units etc) for each data source in the git repository | |
e.g. for acceleration, value.x value.y value.z | acceleration in values in each of the 3 axes |
CSV ColumnName | Description |
key.projectId | A Management Portal attribute. The "Human-readable-identifier" if using REDCap is populated into the is field, if using REDCap for study management e.g. RADAR-MSDis-OSR-s1 |
key.userId | The Study ID field, the principle patient identifier used to link all the data e.g. c4d44114-f813-45a3-872b-f52dcd9fb1ca |
key.sourceId | Identifier for the specific datasource e.g. d391c43e-7136-4f5e-8ac7-12hf3485eb4b |
value.time | source timestamp (which as this is always the phone device, we omit value.timeReceived from the schema for aRMT) |
Active Data Source Spe See individual schemas individual specifications | |
e.g. for PHQ8 | |
value.timeCompleted | Completion time for the questionnaire. 1530782859.527 | | The name of the aRMT, e.g. PHQ8 questionnaire |
value.version | The schema version: e.g. 0.1.8 |
value.answers.0.questionId | the Question ID: phq8_1 |
value.answers.0.value | The answer value for the first PHQ8 question (question=0 | phq8_1) 0 |
value.answers.0.startTime | start time for the first question: e.g. 1530782796.034 |
value.answers.0.endTime | end time for the first question: e.g. 1530782806.676 |